Future Direction



We recall that the data set provided by CS109a staff contained the following: artist_name, track_uri, artist_uri, track_name, album_uri, duration_ms, album_name. To augment our data set, we used track_uri, we used Spotify's API to obtain continuous features associated with each track. As an extension, we could consider using preview_url, which is a link to a 30 second preview (MP3 format) of the track. This feature could further assist in our analysis of comparing the similarity between two features. In addition to our current methods, we could also use the album_uri and artist_uri to extract other features such as album genre to enrich our data.

It would also be interesting to see how popular each playlist in our data is in reality. Spotify shows the number of followers for a given playlist. If our data contained playlist_uri, we could have extracted the information to see how popular one playlist is from another.

Improving the MinMax Algorithm

There is a number of ways we can improve our MinMax Algorithm.

Improving the Seed Algorithm

There is a couple of ways we can improve our Seed Algorithm.